Sports Medicine Oakland NJ
Sports Medicine & Wellness Centers in New Jersey
Specializing In: Musculoskeletal Ultrasound , Joint Fluid Replacement, Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy, EMG/NCV Testing, Nutritional Supplementation, Natural Hormone Replacement, FAST™ Technique.
Dr. Masri specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of non-surgical sports and other musculoskeletal injuries in both the adult and pediatric population.
Utlizing the best physical therapists and trainers combined with an on-premise physical therapy center, he seeks to provide his patients with one-on-one personalized treatment from the time of diagnosis right up until “return to play.”
Dr. Masri strongly believes that a sound mind and body are quintessential to success in the athletic arena. Who understands this point of view as well as a doctor who is also an athlete?
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